
Free 2 Month Trial!*
After that, only $89 a month!
- Enjoy full access to the Click Precision Marketing Platform
- Up to 100,000 monthly pageviews. Expecting more? Use the cost calculator to estimate charges.
- Up to 5 users with permissions settings
- Up to 10 domain names for individual tracking
- 15,000 monthly research credits, used for keyword suggestion and GEO-IP translation
- No commitments! Cancel anytime.
Please register or sign-in to complete the beta application.
*A $25 service fee is non-refundable, but will be credited towards your first paid month after your trial period.
Why the deposit? It helps us concentrate on real customers like you, and not snoopers and bots. It also helps us to maintain the costs for services, such as server maintenance when adding a new account.