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Don’t Let These PPC Myths Kill Your Progress


As you get started with PPC advertising, it’s not always easy to distinguish fact from myth. Subsequently, you can find yourself traveling down the wrong path as the result of bad advice.

Here are several PPC myths that could quickly kill your progress:

•    You have to pay for the #1 spot to generate results. While it may be ideal in regards to exposure, it’s not the only position that allows you to drive traffic to your website.
•    You can set a PPC campaign and forget about it for the meantime. This is a myth that can get you into all sorts of trouble, as it can cost you both time and money. It’s important to be hands on with your campaign, as it allows you to make changes on the fly.
•    PPC advertising costs an arm and a leg. There’s no denying the fact that you’ll spend some money, but you don’t have to blow through all your cash reserves to get up and running. You can start with a small budget, see how things progress, and then adjust your spending from there.
•    PPC ads are played out. Even though there are people who avoid PPC ads, there are just as many who click on these when they’re enticed to do so. If PPC ads were truly played out you wouldn’t see them everywhere.
•    Google is the only game in town. Yes, Google is top dog in the world of PPC advertising, but you don’t want to stop there. You have other options, such as Bing (among others), that can provide a nice return on investment. Don’t paint yourself into a corner by putting all your money into Google.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to PPC advertising or have been using it for years, you don’t want to let any of these myths stand between you and success.

Would you add any other myths to this list? What steps are you taking to avoid these?

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