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Top 3 Reasons to Use Paid Search Marketing

Top 3 Reasons to Use Paid Search Marketing

Let’s face it: generating organic search traffic is easier said than done. While there is nothing wrong with setting your sights on this goal, it doesn’t mean you should overlook the benefits of paid search marketing.

With this approach, you are paying to send traffic to your site. Yes, it is going to cost you money. And yes, you will spend time managing, tracking, and tweaking your campaigns. However, there is one major benefit of this strategy: control.

With organic traffic, you are at the mercy of the search engines. With paid search marketing, you have more control over your traffic. From how much you spend to how many visitors you drive, this control will make you feel good about the direction you are headed.

In addition to control, here are three other reasons to use paid search marketing:

1. Immediate traffic. It doesn’t take long to setup a campaign on Google (or another network) and begin to receive traffic. This is in comparison to organic traffic, which can take many months to build to a respectable level.

2. Consistent visitors. Pushing as much traffic to your site as possible is your goal. Furthermore, you hope to keep this consistent. With paid search marketing, it is possible to control, to a certain extent, how much traffic your site receives. If nothing else, you can guarantee you never go through a dry spell.

3. Test, test, and more testing. With paid search marketing, you can test every aspect of your strategy. From the ad to the landing page to the content, you can track and test to ensure that you are yielding the best possible results. As you make changes on the fly, your results will improve.

Now that you better understand the three top reasons to use paid search marketing, it may be time to give this a try. This could be all it takes to reach many of your goals.


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