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Tips for Writing Ad Copy that Converts


Writing ad copy is easier said than done. While you have the option to use your creativity to the fullest extent, you need to know where to draw the line as to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

When it comes to ad copywriting, the best thing you can do is get comfortable with testing. Some ads will generate the results you’ve been chasing, while others fall flat. This is the nature of the game.

With this in mind, let’s examine a few basic tips for writing ad copy that converts:

•    Get to the point. You only have so much space to get your point across, so don’t let your ad copy drag on. Be clear and concise to make an immediate impact.
•    Use statistics and numbers in your headlines. This goes a long way in attracting prospects, while also giving them a clear idea of what you have to offer.
•    Play up emotional triggers. From anger to fear to humor, you want the person to feel something when they read your ad. Boring ad copy isn’t likely to generate a positive response.
•    Respond to objections. Are you worried that people will be worried about the price? Use your ad copy to shoot down this objection (or any other).
•    Talk up the benefits. Don’t waste characters talking about how great your company is. No one cares about this. All your prospects want to know about is the benefits of your product or service.

There is no guarantee of success just because you decide to follow these five tips, but they will definitely put you on the right track.

When you combine these tips with a dedicated approach to testing, you’re putting yourself in position to succeed. Once you find something that works, stick with it for the time being. It’s time to reap the rewards of your hard work!

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