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When’s the Right Time to Get Started with PPC Advertising?


There is no right or wrong time to get started with PPC advertising.

Some people take the leap as soon as their company website is setup. Others wait a bit longer, hoping to establish other advertising and marketing strategies before heading down this path.

While the final decision is ultimately yours, here are some times when it makes sense to give PPC advertising your full and undivided attention:

•    You’re not generating enough organic search engine traffic. It can be a challenge to push your website to the top of the search engine results. Not only does it take time, dedication, and quite a bit of knowledge, but most agree that luck comes into play to a certain degree. You can bypass this with PPC advertising, as you’re “buying your way” to the top.
•    When you have the budget. For many, PPC advertising all comes down to money. If you have the budget to push forward, you won’t feel nearly as bad if you lose money as you get started. Conversely, if you’re tight on funds, risking it on PPC advertising may not be the best approach.
•    After you do your homework. It’s easy to believe that PPC advertising is the quickest way to generate traffic. While you only pay for clicks to your website, remember this: there’s no guarantee that the person who lands on your page will do what you want. You still need to focus your attention on conversion rate optimization, as traffic alone won’t get you to where you want to go. Once you do your homework – ranging from the best keywords to how to setup your website for success – you’re in better position to proceed.

If you’re on the fence and wondering if now’s the time to get started with PPC advertising, take a step back and review the above. You may come to learn that there’s no better time than the present.

What’s your experience with PPC advertising? When did you take the leap? Were you glad that you did?

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