Click Precision Blog

Tips, techniques and news for marketing professionals.

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Power Your PPC Campaign with Long-Tail Keywords

Power Your PPC Campaign with Long-Tail Keywords
Everyone dreams of ranking at the top of Google for their primary keywords, however, you realize that this can be a difficult task due in large part to the extreme competition that exists.When it comes to your PPC campaign, you can bid on any keyword you desire. But here is what you need to remember: the more popular the keyword the more money you will spend per click.With this in mind, it’s time to consider the...
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  19407 Hits
19407 Hits

Tips for Stretching Your PPC Budget

Tips for Stretching Your PPC Budget
Paid search is challenging enough when you have an unlimited supply of money. Add in a tight budget and you may soon find yourself stressed out and wondering how you will ever generate a positive return on investment.Despite the myth that you need thousands of dollars to succeed at PPC, nothing could be further from the truth. A small budget may limit what you can do, but it doesn’t mean success is out of reach.Are you...
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  19171 Hits
19171 Hits

Use Email Marketing to Drive Qualified Traffic

Use Email Marketing to Drive Qualified Traffic
Why does email marketing continue to grow in popularity? Why are a growing number of marketers relying on this strategy as opposed to others? With so many benefits, including the ability to drive qualified traffic, this is a marketing technique that deserves your full attention.Everybody knows they can use email marketing to drive qualified traffic. What you may not realize, however, is that there are other reasons to consider this strategy. Here are a few details...
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  16533 Hits
16533 Hits

Video Ads: Are you Taking Advantage?

Video Ads: Are you Taking Advantage?
Late last year, we discussed a variety of PPC tips that you may be overlooking. For example, have you modified your strategy for mobile devices? Are you testing your ad copy to see what generates the best results?While these tips remain useful in 2016, there is something else you should be thinking about: video ads.Video campaigns are nothing new. In fact, some companies have been running these advertisements for a few years now. But here is...
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  16515 Hits
16515 Hits

Five Tips for Choosing Keywords for Google Ads

Five Tips for Choosing Keywords for Google Ads
If pay per click advertising is on your mind, you won’t get far until you learn how to choose the appropriate keywords.Like many, you may begin your quest for PPC dominance with the Google Ads platform. As you get started, many keywords will run through your head. Your goal is simple: to choose those that will put your ad in front of your target audience.To achieve this goal, there are a few things you can do:1. Understand...
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  20373 Hits
20373 Hits

5 PPC Tips You May be Overlooking

5 PPC Tips You May be Overlooking
When it comes to PPC advertising, it is easy to get stuck in your ways. You find something that works and you want to stick with it no matter what. While there is nothing wrong with this, you don’t want to hold yourself back from achieving greater success.The best way to improve any PPC campaign is through experimentation. Not only can this improve your numbers, but it will give you a different outlook on your strategy...
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  17276 Hits
17276 Hits

Geo Targeting Products

Geo Targeting Products
If you market products to a large geographical target, then you may be wondering how to show items based on the location of your users. The main problem is, this information is not shared by just looking at the visitor. At most, site owners get an IP address for the average user, unless this information is shared voluntarily, such as with a member account.We decided to write a simple script and database solution for using Maxmind's GeoIP2 Precision...
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  18039 Hits
18039 Hits

These Mistakes Will Kill Your PPC Campaign

These Mistakes Will Kill Your PPC Campaign
As your PPC campaign gets up and running, you have one thing on your mind: generating a positive ROI. As long as you are making more than you spend, everything will be good for the time being.There is a lot that goes into achieving a positive ROI. For example, there are steps you can take to lower your PPC costs. As your costs decrease your profit is in position to increase.At the same time, avoiding key...
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  21204 Hits
21204 Hits

Are you Familiar with these Ways to Lower PPC Costs?

Are you Familiar with these Ways to Lower PPC Costs?
It would be nice if every dollar you spent on PPC resulted in a sale. This would allow you to run a positive campaign without any concerns.In the real world, things don’t work this way. You are going to make mistakes. There will be times when you spend more than you should.With the following tips, you will find it easier to low your PPC costs, thus saving money and increasing your return on investment:1. Set a...
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  22083 Hits
22083 Hits

Traffic Tracking: Are you Doing all you can?

When it comes to your PPC budget, you understand the importance of spending wisely. But what exactly does that mean? How will you ensure that your money is being spent in the appropriate manner?Regardless of where you traffic comes from, it is important to track each and every visitor. This could be the difference between a successful campaign and one that costs you money.Here are a few key questions to address:1. Where is your traffic coming...
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  20593 Hits
20593 Hits

PPC Budget: Are you Spending Wisely or Foolishly?

PPC Budget: Are you Spending Wisely or Foolishly?
Once you become familiar with the benefits of paid search marketing, it won’t be long before you are setting a budget and getting started.Here is the question you need to answer: are you spending your money wisely or foolishly? Just the same as any marketing strategy, you must track your spending and results.There is more to setting a PPC budget than randomly selecting a number and hoping you achieve the desired results. You have to know...
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  18699 Hits
18699 Hits

Top 3 Reasons to Use Paid Search Marketing

Top 3 Reasons to Use Paid Search Marketing
Let’s face it: generating organic search traffic is easier said than done. While there is nothing wrong with setting your sights on this goal, it doesn’t mean you should overlook the benefits of paid search marketing.With this approach, you are paying to send traffic to your site. Yes, it is going to cost you money. And yes, you will spend time managing, tracking, and tweaking your campaigns. However, there is one major benefit of this strategy:...
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  21282 Hits
21282 Hits

Importing Sub-ID Revenue for Delayed Data

Importing Sub-ID Revenue for Delayed Data
Using this feature is optional, but it can be extremely beneficial in comparison to the standard goal value. If you don't specify a goal value for conversions in the tracking code, you can report the revenue data for precise measurement. This is a great feature for delayed reports, such as affiliate reporting. With popular affiliate network reporting APIs, the job is complete in just a few seconds.If revenue can be passed to the tracking code in real-time,...
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  20034 Hits
20034 Hits